domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

A snake´s favourite lesson


What's a snake's favourite subject at school?

CLUE: Think of the sound that snakes make.

Never say never

Do you like Justin Bieber? I suppose so. Listen to the song as much as possible. Enjoy it!!

My secret team


Where Does Wednesday come after Thursday?

Strange as it may seem, there is a place where Wednesday always comes after Thursday.
Where is it?


Listen and watch this story. Can you answer the questions at the bottom ?

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


        JOKE 1
        Where do astronauts leave their spaceships?

A joke is something that is funny. Try to find a funny answer to this question .

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011


Be careful!!  ONE SPY   but   TWO  SPIES

JAMES BOND is a famous spy.
How much do you know about him?

Can you complete these sentences using these words?

1. James Bond was created by the writer ______ Fleming.
2. The character works for the ________ Secret Service.
3. The first book was called ________ Royal.
4. The first film was __________ No.
5. The actor __________ Connery played James Bond in this film.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Present continuous exercises

Riddle 7      -      at WORDS

What word doesn't belong in this group? That, hat, what, mat, cat, sat, pat, or chat?

Vamos a practicar con el presente continuo. Aquí tienes algunos ejercicios:

Matching exercise

Match pictures and sentences

Form sentences

Choose: Affirmative/negative



What animal can fly higher than a house? 

En la Unit 3 trabajamos con los adjetivos en sus grados comparativo y superlativo. En la Unit 4 volvemos a trabajar con ellos. Puedes afianzar tus conocimientos sobre ellos haciendo CLIK AQUI.

To be - Exercises

RIDDLE 5   -      MONTHS
Some months have thirty days while others have thirty-one.
What month has got twenty-eight days?

Aquí teneis varios enlaces para poder practicar con el verbo TO BE . La única manera de aprenderlo bien es haciendo muchos ejercicios. Estos son muy sencillos.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011


Aquí os dejo otra canción. Esta es muy fácil y muy cantada por cualquier equipo cuando es campeón.



We have legs but cannot walk . WHAT ARE WE?

CLUE: there are a lot of them at school.

¿Dominas ya el verbo TO BE?. Ahora lo vamos a utilizar junto a otro verbo al que le vamos a añadir la terminación -ING siempre que queramos hablar de las cosas que estamos haciendo o que están ocurriendo en el momento en que hablamos. Visita esta página y podrás practicar.


Las canciones son muy importantes para mejorar cualquier idioma. Lo importante no es entender la letra sino aprender la pronunicación de las palabras y el ritmo y entonación de las frases.
Escuchadla cuantas más veces mejor. Espero que os guste.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


The eight planets of the solar system - In order from the sun they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Pluto which used to be the 9th planet is now classed as a dwarf (= very small).
  1. The solar system is around 4.6 billion years old. The solar system is in the galaxy known as "the milky way".A galaxy is a group of millions of stars.
  2. All stars are round but they are not the same colour and size.There are blue, white, yellow, orange and red stars. Old stars are red. The sun is a yellow star. The sun is by far the largest object in the solar system.
  3. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the small rocky planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the gas giants.
  4. Comets are icy bodies from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud which enter the inner solar system. The effects of solar winds and radiation vaporizes the ice creating a thin atmosphere around them. Occasionally they will develop a tail.
  5. Halley´s comet (named for Edmund Halley)  is the most famous comet in the world. It appears every 76 years. In 1986 it was seen from The Earth. 
Do you know the answers to these questions?
a. What colour are stars when they are new?
b. When will Halley´s comet be visible again?

Riddle 3 - IN SPACE

                       There are five
                       letters in this name
   The first is in cup
   but not in up
              The second is in fox
              but not in fax
                         The third is in mine
                         but not in fine
                                    The fourth is in bed
                                    but not in bad
                                               The fifth is in trunk
                                               but not in drunk
                                                                        W H A T    I S   I T ?

domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011


RIDDLE 2          -          NIGHT  VISION

What can you see more easily in the dark than in the daylight?

CLUE: La respuesta se encuentra en el vocabulario que hemos aprendido en el tema 4. 


Para poder contar lo que hay en el espacio , necesitaremos conocer la estructura THERE IS y THERE ARE, en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.  AQUÍ encontrarás todo lo que necesites saber.

Verbo TO BE

RIDDLE 1       -     COUNT THEM  

Jim's house is the fourth from the top of the street and the fifth from the bottom. How many houses are there in the row? 
 ¿Sabes la respuesta? 

Verbo TO BE 
Aqui encontrarás un repaso sencillo a las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa del verbo TO BE. Hay videos y ejercicios.